Tuesday, July 8, 2008

One Block Art: It's an addiction!

  I finished my One Block Art Cross and it looks amazingly like the Electric Quilt image you see on the right.

I started this idea for a class in the late 90's when a friend gave me some watercolor squares and I was looking for an idea of how to use them that wasn't watercolor, if that makes any sense.

Plus, the squares were already cut, and you know how labor intensive that can be!  And how much we like being able to just jump right into a project.

Oh, and I am too cheap to throw some things away.  But mostly too cheap to throw away fabric because I work scrappy. I've made a bazillion blocks and have been amazed at what others have done in classes.  Here are a few:

The piece with the incorporated black border was made by Ann Moore from Kingsport, TN, the the one with the red border was made by Eloise Kominek of Johnson City, TN.

Aren't these terrific?  More student work to come.  I'm stitching on a Christmas project today.  You can see what it looks like in my very first blog post.

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