Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The No Crank Day

A day the car isn't cranked?

It's a myth.  I'm not talking smack here.  The days that the car is NOT cranked are becoming more and more elusive. This is not a complaint.  There are days that we all want to stay in, read, not answer the phone, stay in jammies, eat popcorn for lunch, swill Coca-Cola and pay little attention to the horrors displayed in the bathroom mirror. Throw in a thunderstorm, some quilting,  and you have a nearly perfect day to stay in your personal nest.  Yes, I hear you saying, "Amen!"

But the days the car is cranked are good too.  Lately, I've had the chance to kiss my grandbabies a lot, work with a couple of delightful ladies as they learn to make a hand pieced, hand quilted quilt (just like the pioneers did!),  and spend some time hanging out with the ladies that come into a ministry for women that our church established.

On the home front, I'm working on making a quilt from homespuns.  Holy cow.  I have a huge stash of homespuns to choose from (the effort of years of stashing), but apparently I didn't pay much attention to the quality of what I collected. Most of it seems to have all the nice stretchiness of rubber bands and fails to behave despite the best efforts of a strong right arm and clouds of steam.  Muttering leaves the fabric unfazed. But I do love the way it looks.  

I'm taking a break from pin basting it with a zillion pins so far.

Had to sneak a peak at American Idol and root for David Archuleta.  Yes.

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