Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Is there perfect harmony in the world?

Of course there isn't perfect harmony in the world.  It wouldn't be an interesting place if we lived in utopia.  BUT life always has perfect moments.  One of those happened recently when we unpacked ALL our books for the first time since the earth's crust cooled and the dinosaurs roamed freely.

Love those utility bookshelves.  This is our junk room.  You all have one, but perhaps you're still in denial about actually calling it a junk room.  Our 4 year old grand daughter named this room the "junky room".  Razor sharp, that tot.  And kissable.


Monday, August 4, 2008

He Lives

Here's a cross I designed in Electric Quilt and then pieced. The real quilt looks very much like the design program image, doesn't it? It's scrappy and it's made with my One Block Art blocks.

This is the second cross I made and is a variation of the first.  The first one was made just before Easter this year and hangs in one of our church's ministries for women.


Sunday, August 3, 2008

I'm in Scrap Therapy

One of our local quilt shops has started up a program, or class series, titled Scrap Therapy.  The premise being that we'll figure out a way to use up our scraps.  We met last week and heard a great presentation with all sorts of clever tips about how to use scraps, sizes to consider cutting scraps to make them more easily used, etc..   Then we started cutting scraps into sizes for a project that we'll sew the next time we meet.

Goodness gracious.  I don't have enough scraps and all the other ladies in therapy all had scraps that were SO much more bodaciously wonderful than mine.  I have scrap envy. So...it looks like I have to go into my stash to make scraps.  Yes!  Bonus!  I can feel pious about using fabrics from my stash!
I get all tingly just thinking about all the scrap possibilities, having always thought that more fabrics in a design increase design potential and add greatly to eye appeal.  

And there's that whole "green" movement now encouraging us to use up what we have and recycle, recycle.  

Nothing to buy. Huh. Yeah.  Right.  (Can you smell the sarcasm wafting from your computer monitor as you read those words?)

I quilt.  Therefore I am. .........am buying fabric, that is.

Now then, is there a 12 step program to get us off scraps?  I might need that in a few months.


P.S. Never mind that I had to buy fabric on the way out of the quilt shop.  Let's not talk about that.  Nosirree!